Rustburg Community Health Center

925 Village Highway
Rustburg, VA 24588
Get Directions
Phone: (434) 528-0005
Fax: (434) 528-0004
Mon-Thurs 7:30am-6pm | Fri 7:30am-5pm


This location offers primary care services, as well as behavioral health to adult and pediatric patients. This office is accepting new patients. All insurances are accepted. Uninsured or underinsured patients may apply for a reduced fee rate based on household size and income. This office is located near the Food Lion in Rustburg.

Location Providers

Tabatha Davis, M.D.
Joseph Strasshofer, M.A., LPC
Angela Martin, CPNP-PC
Jennifer Castle, FNP
Weather Alert: Due to inclement weather, all Johnson Health Center locations will open at 12PM on Thursday, February 20, 2025. ---- Todos los locales del Johnson Health Center abrirán a las 12PM hoy, jueves 20 de febrero de 2025. Agradecemos tu paciencia y flexibilidad.